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What Does A Termite Nest Look Like? Depends On The Species

Serving Families Throughout Orange

If you have been wondering what does a termite nest look like, you first need to know what species of termite you are investigating. Believe it or not, the type of nest constructed from species to species can vary quite dramatically; simply imagine the termite mounds of Africa or Australia that you may have seen or read about in movies. Let’s take a look at the three main classifications of structures and nests that termites build, across all species types:

  • Traditional Nests – If you have been wondering what does a termite nest look like and are investigating one of the more common species of North America, you may be somewhat out of luck; many of them are built underground, or inside hollowed out pieces of wood that you will never see.
  • Arboreal – Other types of termites prefer to build their nests off the ground, between the branches of trees in what are called ‘Arboreal’ nests. If you’re wondering what does a termite nest look like that is arboreal in nature, it somewhat resembles a beehive. These nests are particularly dangerous because the insects can cross directly on to the beams of your home.
  • Mounds – Rarely seen in North America, some termite species are notorious for building truly massive mounds that extend into subterranean tunnel networks. The reason this is done is to help regulate the extreme heat of these environments, a concern not faced by their brethren residing in more temperate climes.
  • Tunnels – If you’ve been wondering what does a termite nest look like, your best bet at actually seeing something is spotting some of the tunnels they construct. They primarily build them to help protect workers ferrying food back and forth, and while the tunnels are not themselves nests, they always lead to them.

If you are wondering what does a termite nest look like, in most cases you should simply call in the professionals. Nests are not going to be how most homeowners discover the presence of the insects; it will instead be through other peripheral manifestations, like structural damage, sawdust, or discarded wings.
